Friday 20 April 2012

Calvin Harris.

Downloaded Calvin Harris' discography and was listening to one song. It's You Used To Hold Me, and I couldn't help but listen to the lyric's carefully. It sounded like, You used to hold meat, be be beaner. I lol'd for quite some time. I showed Chris the song, and told him to listen to it carefully. He heard it too. Haha. He even said he enjoyed the song which was odd!

Friday 6 January 2012

2012 is here!

So 2012 is finally upon us, and with it, we all have something good to look forward to this year. I for one, now have an amazing girlfriend. Only problem was, that I had to keep it a secret from her brother because he is one of my best mate's. So I went down to his place for New Year's, with full intention of telling him on the train ride down, unfortunately for me, I chickened out. So the moment we got to Morwell, I wanted to tell him, but again, chickened out. So we got to their place, and I put my bags away and all that jazz, went up to Ange, and asked her for a hug. Of course she said yes, and it was the best 10 seconds of 2011 that I had. And for the next few day's minus Ange going to hospital a couple of time's, we got to spend alot of good time together, and now, even more. 2012 is going to be awesome for us, and can't wait for what's coming up!

Wednesday 7 December 2011

New update for XBL

So, Xbox Live has a big update for the Dashboard, which personally I think it's amazing. With all the new feature's, it's changed how the Dashboard works now. What are you guys(Xbox users and PS3 users) view's on the Dashboards for Consoles?

Sunday 4 December 2011

Also, going to be keeping alot of you up to date with upcoming gaming new's, with Battlefield 3, Minecraft, Lotro, MW3, Bioshock Infinite, and any other games you guys want to hear about. :D

First Post

This is the first of many post's I shall be doing, mostly about Life, Games and other interesting stuff I guess. Hah. I'm not too sure what else to put on this first post seeing as I've just decided to blog now after I thought about it year's ago. GENIUS! Anyway, that's all for now, I'll see you all Tuesday! :D